Adapter Module, Equivalent To OEM P/N T324742 & T324742, To Test Barometric Altimeter P/N 4039892-904 Series
Our Part Number: TP906
This TP906 is partially equivalent to OEM P/N T324542 and T324742. It is used for bench testing, troubleshooting, repair and calibration of the Sperry/Honeywell, Barometric Altimeter P/N 4039892-904 thru -910 , as specified in ATA 34-13-08. The 4039892 Series Altimeter is applicable to RJ85, RJ100, B737, B757-300 and B767-400 aircraft. Includes electrical cable P3, our P/N C706.
Approximate Lead-Time:
60 days AROPanel Dimensions:
Height: 7"Width: 19"
Power Requirements:
115VAC @ 400Hz